Sunday, January 27, 2013

Nina's Dream and other Short Stories

I have been dreaming so much this week. In the car (I wasn't driving), in the bus, in the sofa, just anytime I fell asleep. I dreamed about a lot of stuff, even about making a crossword, but nothing worth posting, I think, even though there was a dream in which I realized I was dreaming, really weird stuff. Many of them were about my friends, mostly because I've been spending a big part of the week saying goodbye to everyone I should (and okay, also shopping). The funniest dream was about me putting money into my friend Jesus's shirt -and yes, this is a common name in Spain, I have been asked that many times-. In the dream, the money came out glowing if it was fake. Okay, it sounded funnier in my mind.

But apart from goodbye parties, jagerbombs, shopping, and eating all the yummy food I can eat before I go to Denmark, I have also been drawing a lot of weird things like this totem:

Anyway, some time ago -more than I would have liked-, my fellow blogger and good follower of this blog Nina (read her blog here), emailed me a "Weird Dream" she had, and which is one of the coolest I've ever heard of, so I had to draw it and finally, here it is!

Nina's Weird Dream

"I was in a flat (which I happened to own), on the 2nd floor of a 10 floor complex, along with one friend of mine and a very famous tall actor (I just know he is a famous actor but can't recall who). We were sitting in our balcony (which overlooks the road) enjoying a cup of tea, when suddenly we see small silvery things filling the roads completely (the road can hardly be seen). At another look we realize they are silver fishes jumping around (all in the same direction though).

I somehow think that the fishes are running for their lives from the ocean! I pull the other 2 and say we have to lock ourselves in the rooms. and through the window, we see a big beast (human like beast) killing everything in its sight. we are horrified. I say we have to relocate to some other place while the actor is adamant that we have to stay in the flat. we have a heated argument and stomp away to our rooms (all forgetting about the beast or the fishes).

Next day morning we get up and for some unknown reason, my friend and I think are climbing down the drainage pipe behind the flat. when we finally reach the front of the complex, we see a huge crack on the window leading to the actors room.

And then I woke up wondering what in Lord's name was that all about! I really should stop eating noodles for dinner".

Hope you enjoyed this post. If you have a cool dream like this, please share it here!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kluk Kluk! A tribute to Andersen and my Expatriation

Nine days until I leave Spain. I have weird feelings about this, and there are many reasons why I want to leave this country, and one of it is that, I love Spain so much that I hate being here and seeing what some people are doing with my country, and to see that no one does anything. Us Spaniards consent to the lies of politicians and nationalists. We consent and reward terrorism and corruption, and for that, we are guilty too.

I don't want to live in Spain any more, and I need to leave to save my love for my country.

I am moving to Odense, H.C Andersen's hometown, and I thought I wanted to make a special post about him. I thought about doing something more interactive, like making a video and read one of his stories, or a V-log, or even sing you a lullaby. Yeah, I know. It was too late, and I guess I was just wishing that someone would sing a lullaby to tired me.

ANYWAY. I found this awesome page some days ago, and I have been reading all these kid's stories, that I hadn't heard since I was a little girl, and re-discovered them. I couldn't resist drawing one of Andersen's stories about dreaming and Denmark. It just fitted this blog :)


The Dream of Little Tuk

Ah! yes, that was little Tuk: in reality his name was not Tuk, but that was what he called himself before he could speak plain: he meant it for Charles, and it is all well enough if one does but know it. He had now to take care of his little sister Augusta, who was much younger than himself, and he was, besides, to learn his lesson at the same time; but these two things would not do together at all. There sat the poor little fellow, with his sister on his lap, and he sang to her all the songs he knew; and he glanced the while from time to time into the geography-book that lay open before him. By the next morning he was to have learnt all the towns in Zealand by heart, and to know about them all that is possible to be known.
His mother now came home, for she had been out, and took little Augusta on her arm. Tuk ran quickly to the window, and read so eagerly that he pretty nearly read his eyes out; for it got darker and darker, but his mother had no money to buy a candle.
“There goes the old washerwoman over the way,” said his mother, as she looked out of the window. “The poor woman can hardly drag herself along, and she must now drag the pail home from the fountain. Be a good boy, Tukey, and run across and help the old woman, won’t you?”
So Tuk ran over quickly and helped her; but when he came back again into the room it was quite dark, and as to a light, there was no thought of such a thing. He was now to go to bed; that was an old turn-up bedstead; in it he lay and thought about his geography lesson, and of Zealand, and of all that his master had told him. He ought, to be sure, to have read over his lesson again, but that, you know, he could not do. He therefore put his geography-book under his pillow, because he had heard that was a very good thing to do when one wants to learn one’s lesson; but one cannot, however, rely upon it entirely. Well, there he lay, and thought and thought, and all at once it was just as if someone kissed his eyes and mouth: he slept, and yet he did not sleep; it was as though the old washerwoman gazed on him with her mild eyes and said, “It were a great sin if you were not to know your lesson tomorrow morning. You have aided me, I therefore will now help you; and the loving God will do so at all times.” And all of a sudden the book under Tuk’s pillow began scraping and scratching.
“Kickery-ki! kluk! kluk! kluk!”–that was an old hen who came creeping along, and she was from Kjoge. “I am a Kjoger hen,” said she, and then she related how many inhabitants there were there, and about the battle that had taken place, and which, after all, was hardly worth talking about.
“Kribledy, krabledy–plump!” down fell somebody: it was a wooden bird, the popinjay used at the shooting-matches at Prastoe. Now he said that there were just as many inhabitants as he had nails in his body; and he was very proud. “Thorwaldsen lived almost next door to me. Plump! Here I lie capitally.”
But little Tuk was no longer lying down: all at once he was on horseback. On he went at full gallop, still galloping on and on. A knight with a gleaming plume, and most magnificently dressed, held him before him on the horse, and thus they rode through the wood to the old town of Bordingborg, and that was a large and very lively town. High towers rose from the castle of the king, and the brightness of many candles streamed from all the windows; within was dance and song, and King Waldemar and the young, richly-attired maids of honor danced together. The morn now came; and as soon as the sun appeared, the whole town and the king’s palace crumbled together, and one tower after the other; and at last only a single one remained standing where the castle had been before, and the town was so small and poor, and the school boys came along with their books under their arms, and said, “2000 inhabitants!” but that was not true, for there were not so many.
And little Tukey lay in his bed: it seemed to him as if he dreamed, and yet as if he were not dreaming; however, somebody was close beside him.
“Little Tukey! Little Tukey!” cried someone near. It was a seaman, quite a little personage, so little as if he were a midshipman; but a midshipman it was not.
“Many remembrances from Corsor. That is a town that is just rising into importance; a lively town that has steam-boats and stagecoaches: formerly people called it ugly, but that is no longer true. I lie on the sea,” said Corsor; “I have high roads and gardens, and I have given birth to a poet who was witty and amusing, which all poets are not. I once intended to equip a ship that was to sail all round the earth; but I did not do it, although I could have done so: and then, too, I smell so deliciously, for close before the gate bloom the most beautiful roses.”
Little Tuk looked, and all was red and green before his eyes; but as soon as the confusion of colors was somewhat over, all of a sudden there appeared a wooded slope close to the bay, and high up above stood a magnificent old church, with two high pointed towers. From out the hill-side spouted fountains in thick streams of water, so that there was a continual splashing; and close beside them sat an old king with a golden crown upon his white head: that was King Hroar, near the fountains, close to the town of Roeskilde, as it is now called. And up the slope into the old church went all the kings and queens of Denmark, hand in hand, all with their golden crowns; and the organ played and the fountains rustled. Little Tuk saw all, heard all. “Do not forget the diet,” said King Hroar.
Again all suddenly disappeared. Yes, and whither? It seemed to him just as if one turned over a leaf in a book. And now stood there an old peasant-woman, who came from Soroe, where grass grows in the market-place. She had an old grey linen apron hanging over her head and back: it was so wet, it certainly must have been raining. “Yes, that it has,” said she; and she now related many pretty things out of Holberg’s comedies, and about Waldemar and Absalon; but all at once she cowered together, and her head began shaking backwards and forwards, and she looked as she were going to make a spring. “Croak! croak!” said she. “It is wet, it is wet; there is such a pleasant deathlike stillness in Sorbe!” She was now suddenly a frog, “Croak”; and now she was an old woman. “One must dress according to the weather,” said she. “It is wet; it is wet. My town is just like a bottle; and one gets in by the neck, and by the neck one must get out again! In former times I had the finest fish, and now I have fresh rosy-cheeked boys at the bottom of the bottle, who learn wisdom, Hebrew, Greek–Croak!”
When she spoke it sounded just like the noise of frogs, or as if one walked with great boots over a moor; always the same tone, so uniform and so tiring that little Tuk fell into a good sound sleep, which, by the bye, could not do him any harm.
But even in this sleep there came a dream, or whatever else it was: his little sister Augusta, she with the blue eyes and the fair curling hair, was suddenly a tall, beautiful girl, and without having wings was yet able to fly; and she now flew over Zealand–over the green woods and the blue lakes.
“Do you hear the cock crow, Tukey? Cock-a-doodle-doo! The cocks are flying up from Kjoge! You will have a farm-yard, so large, oh! so very large! You will suffer neither hunger nor thirst! You will get on in the world! You will be a rich and happy man! Your house will exalt itself like King Waldemar’s tower, and will be richly decorated with marble statues, like that at Prastoe. You understand what I mean. Your name shall circulate with renown all round the earth, like unto the ship that was to have sailed from Corsor; and in Roeskilde–”
“Do not forget the diet!” said King Hroar.
“Then you will speak well and wisely, little Tukey; and when at last you sink into your grave, you shall sleep as quietly–”
“As if I lay in Soroe,” said Tuk, awaking. It was bright day, and he was now quite unable to call to mind his dream; that, however, was not at all necessary, for one may not know what the future will bring.
And out of bed he jumped, and read in his book, and now all at once he knew his whole lesson. And the old washerwoman popped her head in at the door, nodded to him friendly, and said, “Thanks, many thanks, my good child, for your help! May the good ever-loving God fulfil your loveliest dream!”
Little Tukey did not at all know what he had dreamed, but the loving God knew it.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

When I went to Togo and the Hairy Ginger

I am going crazy these days making lists about everything I have to do to prepare to move to Denmark. The weather is fucked up there, so the decision making on the clothes I should be taking is not easy. But still, I found a bit of time to draw. 

My mind seems to be in need of some vacation and apparently according to my subconscious me, I should go to Togo. I dreamed I was in a group tour, and it started in a group meeting with the guide, in what it looked like a classroom. All the tourists, including me, were sitting in old wooden chairs listening to the handsome guide, a tall togolese (togolese sounded well in my mind) man in sunglasses and a funny accent. In the front row, there was a red haired girl, with a massive amount of  curly hair which I would have loved to have in real life. But in the dream, her hair seemed to be annoying everyone, since it blocked the view of the rest of the tourists from the guide. And you know how histerically some tourists follow their guides, so any interference with that deserves a penalty.

They convinced the girl to shave her hair immediately, and there she came back with a bald head with very, very short orange hair. All my admiration for her beauty disappeared, not because of her baldness but because her ears seemed to be covered in orange hair too -curls included, ew!-

I decided that I didn't like these people, and I didn't want to be friends with the red haired girl anymore - she was making weird noises with her chair, something I find really annoying- so I went sightseeing on my own. It was a sunny and beautiful day, and it didn't look like an african country at all, no messy streets and loud markets; no goats biting my feet or fast motorcicles racing past me, no kids playing football with worn out balls. It was peaceful and had beautiful buildings. I kept walking and ended up in a long, long empty beach with what seemed a sandcastle in the horizon. 

I approached the sandcastle and I was impressed with what it had inside. It was a prison! I stood there, with my feet in the water, admiring the architecture without getting any closer, and suddenly the alarms went off and a crowd of prisoners started running out of the building like a herd of zombies from 28 days later. I stood there for a bit and then my brain woke up and said: RUN, YOU IDIOT.

I found a hole (I didn't promise this would be a realistic dream) and hid there. A couple of prisoners saw me, but the guards were shooting from the prison's roof and they didn't want to take the risk of not running. Except one. He tried to get in the hole with me, not with good intentions. He didn't want to hide there, he wanted my camera! So I kicked him in the face and he left, and I don't remember anything else.

I loved this dream. The landscapes were so amazingly beautiful that I couldn't believe my mind was able to build all that beauty out of nowhere. The power of our imagination is sometimes unbelievable, don't you think?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dreaming with the Liebster

I have been blogging for just two months and I barely know how to customize my template, nor have I designed a decent header, yet I have been tagged to the Liebster award and the Versatile blog (twice!). I have no idea what this means or what it’s for but oh boy, how it makes me feel part of the blogging community! So, thank you Gladley for nominating me. I hope I will also contribute to the discovery of new, awesome blogs.
As I've heard, these are: The Rules

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose people and link them in your post.
4. Go tell them!
5. No tag backs.

11 Things About Me

I tried to be as random as I could, but always honest.

1. I hate the Jumanji movie, and feared I would grow a monkey tail too.

2. I am a Lord of the Rings freak, and I fantasize about having a garden full of ents.

3. I fear driving –even though I passed at first try-, cycling and skating.

4. My favorite toy is a rocking wooden horse named FruFrĂș.

5. I love cats, and I’ve had more than ten, but all of them have died sooner or later due to cars or poisoning.

6. I’m awesome at planning trips {blush}.

7. I’ve done skydiving and loved it. My instructor looked like Hulk Hogan.

8. I have family in the US (Texas and Colorado) but only been able to visit them there once – however, they come to Spain often-.

9. I consider that “The Matrix” belongs to a new movie genre, “Sci-Fi Comedy” when watched at high speed.

10. I love studying languages: so far I’ve studied English, French, Russian, Danish, Portuguese and Italian.

11. My Bachelor Thesis was about milk. Or, Why Northern European People Don’t like Milk produced in Spain from a Strategic Management view. And I got the best grade.

Gladley asked me:

1.    What gets your blood pumping?

I have thought a lot about this one! I think the answer that fits this question better is the ride to the airport to catch a flight. I get in a survival-like mood that makes me really excited about what’s coming next.

2.    What's your favorite dessert?

Raspberries. Alone. No cream. No nothing.

3.    What made you giggle at school?

My math teacher. She never buttoned her shirt properly and always showed her belly a bit. It’s a bit mean, but that’s how kids are. She also taught me that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise because they tried to divide by zero.

4.    What's the best part about where you live?

Weather. We are lucky to have a lot of sun, no matter how cold winters are, for example. It’s ironic that I voluntarily chose to move to Denmark and trade sunny weather for grey skies.

5.    What book that I probably haven't read would you recommend to me?

The Neon Bible. THE NEON BIBLE!! Written by J.K Toole, it portrays the stupidity of dogmas.

6.    What's your favorite word?

Since this didn’t specify it had to be in English, I choose one from Spanish: coquetuelo. I love how it curls in the tongue but it’s both funny and really descriptive. It means something similar to “charmingly flirtatious”.

7.    You're hosting a dinner party - what's the menu?

It would be rather simple. I’m not going to say I’m a great cook…but I would probably serve sausages cooked in white wine in the oven and a salad of lettuce, strawberries and vinaigrette. Simple but tasty!

8.    What do you love to talk about?

I talk a lot about lost morals, as well as music and books. When I get a little bit drunk, I’ve been told I talk a lot about my (now dead) hamster, whose eye used to pop out randomly.

9.    Name a classic movie you haven't seen.

Metropolis, Fritz Lang. I fear it will be boring, but I just have to see it.

10.  If you were tree what type of tree would you be and why?

Are ents considered trees? If they are, because of their wisdom and power. And because they defeated Saruman and brought Isengard to ashes. If they can’t be considered trees, I would ask why, and if I still wasn’t allowed to be an ent, I would be an orange tree, because they smell so nice, and a fresh, tasty orange is the best thing you can eat in summer.

11.  What will you dress as for Halloween 2013?

I have no idea. Last year I had two super cool options (one of them being a French-Movie-Director-Who-Hanged-Herself-After-Watching-Her-Movie-Because-of-Boredom) and at last minute, I changed my mind for some reason and ended up being Britney Spears, surrounded by vampires, zombies and wolves.

Now, my turn to ask the nominees:

1. What is the best moment of the day?
2. Imagine you have 15 minutes to pack and leave to any place you want. Where would that be?
3. Is there something you don't allow yourself?
4. Your first memory as a child.
5. Who is your favorite celebrity?
6. Your favorite object.
7. Something you wish you had more time for.
8. What is the worst movie you've ever seen?
9. A song that brings you memories, and why.
10. Is there any skill you wish you had?
11. And of course...I had to ask this: do you remember your dreams after you wake up? 

The blogs I nominate are…

Meg, from The Kissy Pearl
Nina, from Nothing
Kleopatra, from Ideas and Opinions
Summer, from Oh Summer Candy

They are all great blogs, I'm hoping you'll like them as I do. And for the nominees, keep up the good work! Hope to hear as many answers as possible!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Me, My Physics Teacher and Lots of Gifts

Christmas is now officially over in Spain. The Three Wise Men as we know them brought a lot of gifts to my house, and I woke up with many many great gifts, here are some:

As you can see, besides a polished coconut where I once drank vodka, there is a lot of stuff for improving my watercolor, and origami paper to make dinosaurs (45 steps to make a Tyrannosaurus is not fair). Anyway, I also got my first book about dream interpretation, and whereas I don't really believe in much of what it says (none of my dreams match it); I thought I might make an update about this. My friend Hotei was featured in this post, where a kitten appears. According to my book, this is what cats mean in a dream:

"Cats can have both positive and negative attributes , depending on your association with them and  the surrounding circumstances in the  dream.  Cats can mean prosperity or quick and agile recuperation. They can also represent independence, the feminine, or sexual prowess. Kittens can mean new ideas, and if you dream of a kitten in a basement it might signify ideas arising from unconscious mind. Additionally, since cats can see well in the dark, they can signify an ability to find illumination in an obscured situation. Dreaming  of cats isn’t always positive, however: they might symbolize evil or bad luck, or a catty or cunning person".

I also looked for what having a teacher in your dream might mean, but nothing appeared. In this dream, my High School physics teacher and me have some transcendental conversation on the prices of groceries and then get on our shopping carts down a red slide -something that appears quite fun to me-. My physics teacher was one of those people that, for some reason have an ability to stay in your mind for their personality, or for something they say, or do. 

Physics teacher {to the class}: Are you happy, kids?!
Class: Nooo, we have exam tomorrow!!!
Physics teacher {changing to a serious tone}: Yes, but are you happy?

Have you ever met anyone who has made a big impression in your life, without being a big part of it? 

Total hairpins recovered so far: 8